Qualifying for the P500 Gift Cards

You are eligible for the gift cards when your contact(s) interacts with us. They do not necessarily need to apply, but simply show enough interest to inquire about opportunities. It must be evident that the prospective applicant was referred by you through any of the following ways:

      • You introduced them to us (by email or other means), or
      • You submitted their names to us on our REFERRALS FORM, or
      • They contacted us and indicated your name on the inquiry form, or
      • You convince us some other way that the referral indeed came from you, AND
      • Your contact is not already part of the Faith Academy Community.
      • The applicant you refer must be qualified to serve in the role being applied for

Qualifying for the $500 Incentive

If the above requirements are met, you have an additional opportunity to receive a $500 tuition credit (or donation toward your mission account) if the following takes place:

  • your contact applies for one of our Critical Positions
  • gets interviewed, accepted, and signs a contract for SY 2019/20.
  • begins serving full time at Faith Academy when the school year begins.

Please click HERE to see a list of all our open positions for 2019/20. Positions with an * are Critical Positions.

Qualifications for the Applicants

A commitment to God and to missions is expected for those who apply to serve on staff.

      • They must be a born-again believer
      • They must be willing to raise their own support
      • Teachers should have classroom experience as well as credentials (or be working towards them)
      • Support Staff should have training/experience in the area they are applying for